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Mountain Dream- The Journey before 2017

Dreams do come true. I am living my today, exactly the way i dreamt in the past. Fulfilling a dream is not a miracle. It's a science where action has to be taken in the right direction.

At once, I saw a dream . It was of hoping to change not just my lifestyle but the people and world around me as well. This dream made me so hungry - for it to become a reality.And little did I know that although some might think of dreams as being unrealistic fantasies , even on days when everything seems dark , you have to remember to believe in your dream at it can truly become a reality !

I made the decision to leave everything behind . Starting over was hard and it did change my lifestyle drastically, I had to downsize, I dreamt of a place where I could breathe fresh air and water, could eat food that's grown naturally, connect with people from many different cultures, and have the opportunity to live close to nature.

A dream of sharing meals with people from different backgrounds . I wanted to do more with life than have a job or just be a cog in the wheel just so that I would pay my bills and never have to wonder if I could afford to travel overseas (or buy the truck i want).

As soon as I could close down by film-making & restaurant businesses in city, I quit my soul- crushing the city life & people, chucked it all in...I sold everything I owned and went off into the wilderness in 2016. I was able to fulfill my wildest dreams . I ate natural food cooked on open fire and slept underneath an open sky covered by twinkling stars .. Just think about it...

This life- changing urge was there for quite some time, having started in the year 2009 when I first visited the mountains . Ever since then I couldn't get over them enough . From 2012 until 2016 I worked towards this goal of settling in mountainous areas. Finally, in 2016 , after 7 years and multiple trips to the mountains,

It’s been almost 12 years since I first experienced the breathtaking and magical sights seen only at high altitudes , and how since then my wanderlust has kept me wanting to go back there . In fact , I’ve travelled as much as possible and to many different places in India, but I still feel like there are so many places that I still want to visit ! There have been times when I've felt most alive and the man that I am today is thanks to my travels . The early years were spent in the Himalayas , having my work around in its shadow I became obsessed with this region

The cultures of Himachal, Uttarakhand and Ladakh - all share a certain depth of peace . And it was on one such trip , when lying in bed at night , that an unquenchable urge took hold - a desire to settle down there for good . Let me tell you, I have had a desire to travel ever since I was a child.

And as long as I continue traveling and working towards figuring out how to establish myself in a beautiful mountain house every evening , my urge or dream will be fulfilled !

Let me tell you, my urge to move out of the city has been brewing rapidly since the beginning of this decade in 2009 when I first visited a village and fell in love with its simple yet rustic architecture, its people and their lifestyle, the kindness & humanity. Since then I haven't stopped visiting remote places often .

Thank you for reading. I hope to meet you some day & help you achieve your dreams too.


Rahul Kumar


Experiential Living Projects

Mudhouse Experiential Hostels

The Dreamers Project

Co,Founder- The fika homes.

Sharing excerpts of my life from 2017-18

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